donderdag 15 maart 2012

Tv 2

Name: Renee Manders
ID code: 1569490

TV 1
Title of programme: The One Show
Broadcast by BCC
Date: 16/07/2010
Duration: 30 minutes

Matt Allwright and Louise Minchin are joined by Will Smith and family to talk about the new Karate Kid film.


A day after the premiere of the new Karate Kid film, Will Smith and family join The One Show to talk about it. Will Smith himself was the producer of this film, while his son Jaden Smith takes the main lead.

The family always travels together when filming or going on tour. That’s why not only Will and son Jaden Smith went to China to film the movie, but wife and daughter Jada and Willow Smith followed them. Willow, only nine years old, found it sometimes hard to stay behind in ‘school’ while her brother and father were filming. But she also went out a lot to go shopping. Even now, she remembers to say ‘How much?’ in Chinese.

Matt, Louise and the Smiths don’t only talk about the latest movie, but also about daily activities. For example, they ask the children if their father ever dances or embarrass them in any other way. The children however, always stay in line and give political correct answers.

Next to the small talk, the Smiths take a little quiz from Matt and Louise. It turns out that little Willow stays the longest in the bathroom (‘but I’m a girl!’), finds it the hardest to get out of bed in the morning and owns the most sneakers of the whole family. The price for worst taste in music go’s according the other family members to Jada. She sings in a heavy metal band, teaches her daughter how to growl but also loves country music.

Summarized: this episode of The One Show is filled with nice small talk with the Smith Family. The main purpose of their visit is to promote the film and earn sympathy for them as a family. And they are honestly very successful at it.

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