donderdag 15 maart 2012

Tv 2

Name: Renee Manders
ID code: 1569490

TV 1
Title of programme: The One Show
Broadcast by BCC
Date: 16/07/2010
Duration: 30 minutes

Matt Allwright and Louise Minchin are joined by Will Smith and family to talk about the new Karate Kid film.


A day after the premiere of the new Karate Kid film, Will Smith and family join The One Show to talk about it. Will Smith himself was the producer of this film, while his son Jaden Smith takes the main lead.

The family always travels together when filming or going on tour. That’s why not only Will and son Jaden Smith went to China to film the movie, but wife and daughter Jada and Willow Smith followed them. Willow, only nine years old, found it sometimes hard to stay behind in ‘school’ while her brother and father were filming. But she also went out a lot to go shopping. Even now, she remembers to say ‘How much?’ in Chinese.

Matt, Louise and the Smiths don’t only talk about the latest movie, but also about daily activities. For example, they ask the children if their father ever dances or embarrass them in any other way. The children however, always stay in line and give political correct answers.

Next to the small talk, the Smiths take a little quiz from Matt and Louise. It turns out that little Willow stays the longest in the bathroom (‘but I’m a girl!’), finds it the hardest to get out of bed in the morning and owns the most sneakers of the whole family. The price for worst taste in music go’s according the other family members to Jada. She sings in a heavy metal band, teaches her daughter how to growl but also loves country music.

Summarized: this episode of The One Show is filled with nice small talk with the Smith Family. The main purpose of their visit is to promote the film and earn sympathy for them as a family. And they are honestly very successful at it.

donderdag 23 februari 2012

assignment 3

1. comms - communicators
2. to plummet - to decrease, drop in ranking
3. nether - lower
4. to aspire to - what they wanted to be, their ambitions
5. turnaround - change
6. staggering - amazing, stunning


Interne communicator wint aan populariteit

Uit een onderzoek van Rumclem blijkt veel jongeren later in hun beroep iets met interne communicatie willen gaan doen. Vroegere populaire beroepen zoals voetballer en rockster zakken steeds verder naar beneden en uit de lijst.

Het onderzoek werd uitgevoerd onder ruim 4000 jongeren over de hele wereld en wees uit dat zij steeds serieuzer worden in het kiezen van hun droombaan. Dit komt doordat ze zich door de grote aandacht voor maatschappelijke onderwerpen in de media, zoals duurzaamheid, steeds meer betrokken voelen bij de maatschappij.

De top 10 van meest gewilde banen:
1. Interne communicatiemedewerker
2. Politicus
3. Tandarts
4. Afvaltechnicus
5. Krokodillenvanger
6. Stuntman/vrouw
7. Roadie
8. Nanny
9. Taxidermist (opzetter van dieren)
10. Docent

Reading assignment 2

1. What is meant with ‘challenging’ (line 1) in this context?
In this context it means 'hard', a challenge to make both ends meet.

2. Explain what is meant by ‘brushed under the carpet’ (line 5) here.
To neglect, pretend it doesn't exist.

3. Explain what is meant by ‘brand promises will fall flat’ in line14.
The brand values will mean nothing, will have no value

4. Give another word or explanation for ‘lure’ (end of 3rd paragraph).
To make customers come to them, to attract customers

5. Explain what is meant by ‘skimped on” (2nd line, 4th paragraph).
To be spare with it, to cut budgets on it

6. What would be the opposite of a ‘nice to have’ (5th line, 4th paragraph)?
Must have, a necessary thing

7. ‘successful and strategic internal communication has proven a correlation between employee attitudes and profits’ (end of 5th paragraph). Explain in your own words what this means.
It means that when your internal communication strategy is succesfull, it will have a positive effect on the attitudes of your employees and your profit will rise.

8. Explain what the writer means with the final sentence: ‘housekeeping really does begin at home’. Again, use your own words.
A positive image begins with your employees. If you want them to carry out a positive attitude, you have to treat them as you would treat a customer.


Kunnen we in 2010 zonder interne communicatie?

2010 staat ook dit jaar weer in thema van bezuinigingen. Toch zijn er bepaalde zaken waarin het budget ongeroerd moet blijven. Interne communicatie is zo'n zaak.

Veel bedrijven zeggen dat ze veel waarde hechten aan hun medewerkers, maar bezuinigen ondertussen toch op dit onderdeel. Ze zien interne communicatie als een leuke bijkomstigheid, in plaats van de nodige vereiste dat het is.

Organisaties moeten beseffen dat interne communicatie meer is dan een intranet en een personeelsblad. Het zijn alle communicatieactiviteiten die zorgen voor de motivatie van je medewerkers. Vele onderzoeken hebben aangetoond dat goede interne communicatie een positieve invloed heeft op het gedrag van je medewerkers en je winst.

vrijdag 17 februari 2012

Tv - 1

Name: Renee Manders
ID code: 1569490

TV 1
Title of programme: Hardtalk
Broadcast by BCC
Date: 17/5/2011
Duration: 30 minutes

Stephen Sackur talks to one of the world's most influential investors: Jim Rogers


Aged five, 
Jim Rogers was selling peanuts for profit; he became a hedge fund pioneer, a 
commodities trader and, years ago, he shifted much of his money, and his family too, out of the US and into Asia.

“ But can even this maverick investor see new opportunities in a world riddled with economic uncertainty?”

We need some brave leadership and knowledgeable decision making in the UK and elsewhere to bring back our manufacturing from China, enact agricultural and energy reforms and the necessary fiscal and monetary control/planning. Maybe then Jim would bring back some of his money to invest here given the opportunity.

A few stated things:

• The US & UK are bankrupt. It is better to invest in a dipping-economy (Asia for example) than to invest in a bankrupt economy.
• Jim Rogers is short in EM Stocks (particularly Indian stocks) & US Technology stocks. He however isn’t short in China.
• Water is a huge challenge for China & India. They should throw hundreds of billions of money into that. Societies die when they have water problems.
• Commodities are still in a long-term bull market.
• Increasingly onerous regulation for commodities traders is likely.
• The US & UK are the largest debtor nations in the history of the world.
• The US will default on its debt by inflating.


donderdag 16 februari 2012

Radio 2

Name: Renee Manders
ID code: 1569490

Radio 2
Title of programme: Assignment
Broadcast by BCC world service
Date: 16th February
Duration: 25 minutes

Assignment examines what it means to be poor in the richest country in the world; America


The economic downturn in the USA is seeing a resurgence in poverty.
Around 47 million people are affected, more than at anytime in the last half century. BBC's Hilary Andersson explores America's underworld of poverty where people live in storm drains and tented camps and where children go hungry. In all theses places, she speaks with people who experienced the fall down from a very close view.

This image of America's poor sits uncomfortably with the notion of America as the richest, and fairest, country in the world. Hilary concludes that the world economic powerhouse has a sickness; it can’t fully admit it’s poverty, and it is certainty not dealing with it.

woensdag 15 februari 2012

Reading assignment 1

1. What advantage for companies of the use of social media is described in the first paragraph?Companies who are using social media for selling to customers grow revenues.

2. What big change for internal communications does the writer predict for the future?
He believes that five years from now almost all the internal communication will go online.

3. Explain what the writer means here with ‘ a goat is still a goat, even when it’s wearing a tuxedo’ (4th paragraph).
He means that company’s key messages are what they are, even when you dress them up by changing the content or the tools.

4. Explain the meaning of the word ‘hurdle’ in the 6th paragraph. Give a synonym or a description of the meaning. Use your own words, don’t use a dictionary. You should be able to derive the meaning of the word from the context.
Something you have to overcome, a obstacle

5. Who or what are meant by ‘Gen Y’ and ‘GenXers” (point 4 of the advantages of social media).

Generation Y is de grown up generation of today, people who are in their twenties now. Generation X is the generation before that.

6. What do employees invest when they engage in social media with their employers?

They’re investing courage and giving up a certain amount of privacy.

Social media en interne communicatie: een goed idee?

Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat er een positief verband is tussen bedrijven die social media gebruiken voor klantenbinding, en een hogere omzet.

Toch blijven bedrijven sceptisch over de inzet van social media voor interne communicatie.

· - angst dat werknemers negatieve berichten zullen plaatsen.
· - medewerkers denken vaak dat ze hun privacy moeten opgeven om deel te nemen aan de dialoog.

· - Social media zorgt voor een echte, open dialoog met werknemers
· - Het zorgt voor minder duidelijke grenzen binnen het bedrijf
· - Het laat je werknemers zien dat je om je hen geeft
· - De nieuwe generatie geeft het meest om nieuwe media
· - Het is een goede manier om nieuw personeel te werven

Radio 1

Your name: Renée Manders
ID code: 1569490

Radio 1
Title of programme: Assignment – Louisiana Deepwater – BP gulf of Mexico oil spill
Broadcast by BBC
Date: Monday, April 18, 2011
Duration: 23 minutes

Robyn Bresnahan revisits the fishing families who were affected by the oil spill

A year ago, Robyn Bresnahan spent a month with fishing communities in Louisiana. For this edition of Assignment she went back to see how they’re doing.

Wilbert Collins, head of Collins oysterscompany, has a large, white sign in his garden, saying: ‘Out of business after 90 years because of the BP oil spill’. But it’s not just costumers that Wilbert has lost. Last summer he had to lay off his own sons, including Nick. He is the 4th generation of oystermen. He still finds it hard to believe that after 25 years of fishing for oysters, he didn’t went to work this winter.

Charles Robin is the 5th generation shrimp fisher. He seems in better shape than last year. But he still hasn’t lost all of his anger, as most fishermen in Louisiana haven’t. But it’s not just their livelihoods that they’re worried about. They’re afraid that the chemical disbursement, used to break up the oil spill, may have side effects on their health.

People in Louisiana are not just hurting financially, but also with their mental health. People don’t know where to turn en depression is on the rise. Debts and stress levels are rising quickly.

Although kids have started projects to help the fishermen and are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, the older fishermen just can’t seem to share their line of optimism.

dinsdag 14 februari 2012

Week 4

Assignment 11
1. A narrow valley
2. The separation of mind and body
3. Knowledge about's one memory processes
4. Techniques used to assist students' comprehension of reading materials
5. A flood of rain

Assignment 12
1. Answer the question: geirriteerd
Meaning of the word: geirriteerd
2 Answer the question: slijmbal
Meaning of the word: sociopath
2. Answer the question: boos
Meaning of the word: vijandelijk

Assignment 13 & 14

Accelerating towards crisis: a PR view of Toyota's recall

Japanese carmaker Toyota seems to be having done everything right it’s crisis communication. Still after analyzing Toyota’s handling some flaws show up. The central problem is its perceived delay in identifying and addressing the situation. Corporate denial appears to have been the order of the day. This problem is caused
by two elements in the company’s culture.

- An obsession with quality, if anything is less than perfect denial follows.
- A hierarchical approach to management and a lack of open communication.

Another problem is that the malfunction struck Toyota at its core. The company is build on trust and reliability. If this happens swift measures are to be taken. Toyota failed and it seems they are responding to events rather than setting the agenda.

In a crisis the executive manager should be the face of the company, however this does not mean that he should be the spokesman of the company. Toyota’s GB's managing director,Miguel Fonseca, probably causes more confusion and concern in an interview on the BBC Breakfast on Friday.

Concluding Toyota has made some vital mistakes in its crisis communication. Hopefully Toyota's recent troubles encourage more businesses to recognize the impact that crises can have on a business's long-term reputation and take steps to protect themselves as a consequence, then at least some goodwill has come from recent events.

Inside Al Qaeda

Nine years after 9/11 the 16 year old Afghan boy Hafiz Hanif tells his story. He has been and Al Qaeda soldier for 16 months.

Hanif’s parents never approved his running to the jihad. He’s a bright student, good at math and fluent in English and Arabic as well as Urdu and Pashto.

Eventhough Hanif has seen many of his associates killed, he has also seen a constant stream of willing recruits replacing them. He’s seen how even the tiny number of Qaeda operatives can act as a force multiplier, making other groups more deadly in their war against America. Hanif grew up among Taliban warriors and has dreamed of joining since the age of 7.

One day early last year he was recruited by Baitullah Mehsud, who is notorious for using young suicide bombers. Within days he was taken to the jihad-controlled North Waziristan, but he never reached the city. On his journey he met a few Taliban warriors and decided to join them.

He learns to drive a car and motorcycle, and to make a suicide vest in only 4 hours. He was training with boys no older than 12.

Hafiz is a dedicated Al Qaeda warrior willing to kill himself to become a shadid.

dinsdag 31 januari 2012

Week 2

Assignment 7
1. The text is a persuasive text. When Colgates writes about their company, the goal is to persuade their readers to but Colgate products.
2. Introduction: 1
Body: 2,3, & 4
Conclusion: 5 & 6
3. Colgate is also succeeding .. to higher value premium offerings.
4. Missing information:
a: door Colgate ontwikkelde technologieen
b. productvoordelen benadrukken
versterkte goedkeuring door experts
Instore testimonials
c: gebruikers konden hun Max Fresh ervaring verfilmen en vervolgens op filmpjes stemmen.
d: Caprice hair care line - Palmolive Naturals Fashion Girl

Assignment 8
a. For example
b. Additionally
c. As a result,
d. In addition
e. To conclude

a. However
b. In addition
c. For example
d. Basically
e. Therefore,
f. Additionally

Assignment 9
1. adjective
2. Adverb
3. Noun
4. Verb
5. Adjective
6. Verb
7. Adjective
8. Noun
9. Adjective

Assignment 10
Brillig: Adjective
Slithy: Adjective
Toves: Noun
Gyre: Verb
Gimble: verb
Wabe: Noun
Mimsy: adjective
Borogoves: noun
Mome: Adjective
Raths: Noun
Outgrabe: Verb

Week 1

Assignement 3 Scanning
1. Monday, June 21 - 9.30 AM
2. Hotel California
3. Friday, July 16 at 8.00 PM on Veteran's Park stages
4. The admission is free
5. The Golden Dragon Acrobats

Assignement 4: Skimming
1. It's a rating text, rating the top 5 books regarding the Us president
2. Most likely in a magazine, probably in a book sector
3. - 4. The Big Book of U.S. Presidents
- Presidential Trivia Book Every Household Should Have
4. Presidential Trivia Book Every Household Should Have

Assignement 5: Predicting
1. I think the text is about how drugs can make you (seem) smarter of gain knowledge
2. Coffee
3. I think the writer is for the use of these new drugs, since she doesn't seem to have a problem with coffee.
4. the 5th and 6th paragraph will be about why strict controls would be useless and wrong.
5. My prediction was right. The benefits could be huge for people whose jobs require them to concentrate for long periods and for people who have a naturally low attention span.
6. whether future drugs will be as tolerated as coffee is nowadays.
7. The text didn't lived up to my expectations. The author never mentioned any new drugs that can help you gain more knowledge. The author talked a lot about existing drugs, but failed to mention something new and also didn't talked about the acceptance of these drugs.

Assignement 6
When the British Journal asked its readers earlier this year, one in five of those who answered said they used such drugs non-medically to help them concentrate or learn.
If chemical assistance can help increase the useful human lifespan, the benefits could be huge.
The first paragraph is entertaining for it deliberately gives the reader the idea the text about hard drugs, while it really is about coffee.