donderdag 11 maart 2010

Finding a place to live? Not in these times!

For months I have been trying to find a new place to live in Utrecht. And really, it’s a disaster!

When I finished high school, I was looking for a study in a other city. I always found Utrecht a wonderful city and all the study’s of my choice were available here. Accidentally, my boyfriend at the time was also planning to go and study in Utrecht.
Since we were already almost always together, we decided to find a room that was big enough for the both of us and start living together. Soon we found a nice place, in a chatty neighborhood and near the centre of Utrecht.

For a year we were really happy here, but after a summer holiday I founded myself feeling restless and broke up with him. We decided that he was going to search a new room and I would stay in our room. We thought that with my parents supporting me financially, I would be able to pay the rent by myself.

The next year I paid my rent always on time, but I was denying that I actually couldn’t afford to live in such an expensive room. Until a few months ago. I decided I was tired of working really hard just to pay the rent. I started a search for a cheaper room, thinking it may take some effort but that it would be worth it.
Well, I couldn’t be more wrong! In the last six months I have seen many different rooms, some really awful, some perfect. I am just not allowed to move there.. really frustrating!

It isn’t easy to rent a room in Holland. There a way too many students looking for a place to live and way too less rooms to rent. As a result, current renters organize a social event where people who want to rent the room have to introduce themselves in a few minutes. Afterwards, the tenants choose a person who can come life with them.

It isn’t easy, because many people are invited for such evenings. You have to get lucky en get selected. Also, most letters don’t accept any pets in their houses and I happen to own the sweetest cat in the world which I really don’t want to part from.

What can I say? I’m just better with meetings at second sight! When the time comes, I’ll be really happy to move. Until then, me and my cat live happily above our social class in our own apartment!

1 opmerking:

  1. + I think it is an appealing subject for students

    in general your English is good

    - first sentence second paragraph: a other is another.

    in the fourth paragraph it is not really obvious why you're saying you're not ALLOWED to move there

    in the fifth paragraph, second sentence you say: 'there a way too many...' i think it is 'there ARE a way too many...'
