vrijdag 19 maart 2010


All good things come to an end, and so does my series of blog posts.

The third period at school is almost over, and the exams are near.

My problem with studying is that I work best under pressure. For weeks now, teachers are telling me to open my books and begin studying. And for weeks, I’m denying that I have exams coming up and convince myself that I will have lots of time later to be a responsible student.

Now, a few weeks later and with a lot of deadlines in sight, I really regret my attitude. As always, I’m in over my head and stressed out. I think that the best solution for upcoming week is to lock myself up, turn of my telephone, unplug the internet connection and keep the television turned off!

Don’t try to contact me next week, I’m in solitude!


This was the last post of a series of six. I enjoyed blogging for you!


maandag 15 maart 2010

Presentation: Organising an event


zaterdag 13 maart 2010

Listening assignment C

Video 1:

Children and the effect of new social media

Oxford professor Susan Greenfield claims that with the changes in the media environment, the impressionable mind of children can easily change too. She notes that overexpose to social websites like Facebook or Twitter can result in a shorter attention span, a need for ‘ identity-bolstering’ and increased recklessness among future generations.

Dr. Aric Sigman thinks that the brain of a child is shaped according to what they experience at a young age. He claims that experiencing a phenomenon for many hours could have a long tern effect on children.

Sigman also warns that social network media, as Facebook, can replace real contact between children. Dr. Ben Goldacre disagrees. ‘ There is a lot of evidence of people spending time on social networking sites to intensify the relationships they already have. It could equally well be very beneficial’.

Dr. Sigman isn’t convinced by Goldacres argument. ‘ We should stop for a moment and think more carefully about where our society is going. Children can spend hours in their rooms socializing on the internet, rather than playing with real friend. My concern is that new social media is displacing interaction’.

Video 2:

Internal communication with Social Media

Abi Signorelli, director of Internal Communication at Virgin Media talks to James Bennett, Online Managing Editor at Melcrum about the use social media for international communication. Susan will join Bennett on Junee the 24th, fot a social media workshop.

During this workshop, Signorelli will explain what Virgin Media has done in terms of social media. As an example, she talks about the use of Twitter as a mean for internal communication. Besides Twitter, Virgin Media is also planning to join other communication channels, such as Boo and Vlogging.

Because of the speed of technological changes, Ms. Signorelli is always looking for opportunities for her company. During the workshop, she will not only talk about channels worth using, she will also listen to other people’s ideas about internal communication. She’ll also share some guidelines that her company has produced to help people with the use of social media.

Signorelli clams that the important thing about internal communication is the two-way street. People must have the opportunity to respond on each other. Social media gives this opportunity to create a dialog. ‘ It’s all about sharing expertise and social media are opening a lot of doors on that front’.

Assignment 11b: A place to live



Utrecht – The Netherlands, March 13th , 2010

In the Netherlands, a lot of foreign students are facing problems with their housing accommodation. In Rotterdam, students are sleeping in cars, tour caravans, hostels or expensive flats.

Foreign students in other cities are dealing with the same problems. In Groningen, a student has been living in the back of his car for three weeks. 70 students in Wageningen are lucky enough to have found a housing accommodation, but at a 30 kilometer distance from their school. And even then they’re sleeping with six students in three rooms.

Housing accommodations are dealing with a lot of parties and there’s no central organization working with them. According to Lisa Westerveld from the National Student Union, various city’s deal with different kinds of problems and offers for housing accommodations. ‘ Some city’s choose to help their own students first. Foreign students will then be placed in containers.’

Remco de Maaijer, director of Kences, The grouping of students housing says that is it very difficult to find cheap rooms for foreign students. He is afraid that if the problem isn’t solved quickly, a lot of foreign students will leave the Netherlands.


Renee Manders
HU Trajectum

assignment 11a: Dutch Bikte Tour



Avans Hogeschool – Den Bosch
A foreign student of Avans Hogeschool is organizing a Dutch bike tour for his fellow students. The bike tour will take place on the 30th of may and has as goal for foreign students to explore Dutch nature. It is also a proof that foreign students can organize an event in a strange country. The tour will be sponsored by Kaspersky


Contact: jp.marin@student.avans.nl

donderdag 11 maart 2010

Finding a place to live? Not in these times!

For months I have been trying to find a new place to live in Utrecht. And really, it’s a disaster!

When I finished high school, I was looking for a study in a other city. I always found Utrecht a wonderful city and all the study’s of my choice were available here. Accidentally, my boyfriend at the time was also planning to go and study in Utrecht.
Since we were already almost always together, we decided to find a room that was big enough for the both of us and start living together. Soon we found a nice place, in a chatty neighborhood and near the centre of Utrecht.

For a year we were really happy here, but after a summer holiday I founded myself feeling restless and broke up with him. We decided that he was going to search a new room and I would stay in our room. We thought that with my parents supporting me financially, I would be able to pay the rent by myself.

The next year I paid my rent always on time, but I was denying that I actually couldn’t afford to live in such an expensive room. Until a few months ago. I decided I was tired of working really hard just to pay the rent. I started a search for a cheaper room, thinking it may take some effort but that it would be worth it.
Well, I couldn’t be more wrong! In the last six months I have seen many different rooms, some really awful, some perfect. I am just not allowed to move there.. really frustrating!

It isn’t easy to rent a room in Holland. There a way too many students looking for a place to live and way too less rooms to rent. As a result, current renters organize a social event where people who want to rent the room have to introduce themselves in a few minutes. Afterwards, the tenants choose a person who can come life with them.

It isn’t easy, because many people are invited for such evenings. You have to get lucky en get selected. Also, most letters don’t accept any pets in their houses and I happen to own the sweetest cat in the world which I really don’t want to part from.

What can I say? I’m just better with meetings at second sight! When the time comes, I’ll be really happy to move. Until then, me and my cat live happily above our social class in our own apartment!

zaterdag 6 maart 2010

Preparations Roleplay

Words & sentences I could use:

Opening the meeting:
- Good morning, everyone
- If we’re all here, lets start the meeting

Welcoming and introducing participants
- Please join me in welcoming ..
- I’d like to introduce ..
- I don’t think you’ve met ..

Stating the principal objectives of a meeting
- We’re here today to talk about..
- I’ve called this meeting in order to

Giving control to the next participant
- I’d like to hand it over to .. , who is going to lead the next point
- …, over to you

- Before we close, let me summarize the main points
- In brief,
- To sum up

Finishing up
- Right, it looks like we’ve covered the main items. Is there any other business?

Thanking participants for attending
- Thank you all for attending
- Thanks for your participation

Closing the meeting
- The meeting closed
- I declare the meeting closed

Asking for opinions
- …, can we get your input?
- .., how do you feel about ..?
- Do you (really) think that..?

Advising and suggesting
- We should ..
- What about..
- Ì suggest that..
- I recommend that

Requesting information
- I like you to ..
- Would you mind..
- I wonder if you could

Asking for clarification
- Could you explain to me how that is going to work?
- Could we have some more information, please?

Asking for verification
- Do you mean that .. ?
- Is it true that .. ?

Asking for contributions for other participants
- What do you think about this proposal?
- Would you like to add anything?
- Has anyone else got anything to contribute?
- Are there any more comments?

Correcting information
- I’m afraid that you don’t quite understand what I am saying
- That’s not quite what I had in mind
- That’s not what I meant

In the meeting we must decide:

- Why employees still complain about a lack of information within the company
- What could be done to solve the problem
- Whether the magazine is useful in its present form or whether it should be modified or replaced


My role: The president

- Chair the meeting
- Making sure everyone participates
- Ensure that decisions are made today

Ask for opinions about:
- Communication problems within the company world wide
- Proposed solutions for these problems
- Problems with the magazine
- If continuing the magazine: ways of improving

My point of view:
- Delighted with the magazine and no need to change
- Magazine is glossy, colorful, interested the workforce
- Strong points: my photo onto the front and my editorial on the inside cover


Other opinions:

Head of Information Technology (IT) : Tanne van der Weide
- Convinced that nobody ever reads the magazine
- Admit there’s a communication problem
- The magazine should be replaced by an intranet site and a weekly page of news by email
- Emails should be send in English and Spanish

Personnel Manager, Frankfurt: Laura Matser
- The content of the magazine is too much head-office centred
- The magazine should be in more languages
- Prefers a less glossy publication, with real news
- Articles in simple language about the everyday lives of ordinary employees
- Photo’s of the president should be removed

Communications Manager: Olaf Nijman
- Doesn’t understand the complaints about communication
- Thinks that modern means of internal communication might be considered
- Way to improve the magazine is by removing the photo of the president and articles about workers inside

Financial Controller: Wendy Sprangers
- Close to retirement and old fashioned idea’s
- Internal communication is a passing fashion and isn’t necessary
- The magazine is too expensive and doesn’t reach its goals
- People don’t need to communicate with other departments
- Might agree with a short, weekly newsletter by email
- People of communications department should be fired: too expensive

donderdag 4 maart 2010

Spending or Saving?

The problem with making money, is that you’re spending it way too fast!

Maybe you recognize the situation: for months you’re craving for some new outfits which you actually don’t really need. For months you can control yourself. When you’re walking in the centre of the city, on that lovely shopping road, you keep your head down. You set the volume of your iPod at maximum and don’t look op, just to avoid the temptation of window shopping. You’re dying for some variation in your clothing closet, but you just don’t have the money. You need to pay the rent and do the groceries and every month your bank account turns more and more red.

And then there’s that day. That day that you finally can make some unexpected money!

My mother asked me to spend my day off at her work. Her department was really busy and some small tasks just kept lying around for weeks. I helped her out for 7 hours, and made some extra money. Great I thought, since I promised my boyfriend I would save money so that we can go on a holiday together.

But then there’s that temptation again. My mom invited me to walk over some shopping streets centre when we finished work. This was, obviously, a offer I couldn’t refuse. She gave me some new clothes, as a gift. I love my mom and I love how she pampers me, but that new outfit just couldn’t go without those lovely shoes I saw at a display shop earlier. But still, I promised my boyfriend..

I confess. I’m guilty. I bought a new pair of shoes. I immediately spent the money I made that day. They’re really beautiful shoes with way too high heels. I’ll probably never wear them, but they’ll look great in my closet!

P.s. My boyfriend doesn’t understand the womanly urging for new shoes. He seems to think our holiday has a higher priority. But seriously: you can’t go on a holiday without a great pair of new shoes, can you?

donderdag 18 februari 2010


DHV stresses the importance of community development

In Durban, the flip-flop factory that uses old car tires, was successfully opened on 12 May. DHV is one of the project’s main sponsors and organized the opening together with its South African subsidiary SSI.

The factory creates structural employment opportunities and provides the workers and their families with better prospects for a future. In addition to initiatives such as this, capacity building is also a structural component of DHV’s projects in South Africa. Talented students are trained by experienced SSI engineers and consultants to give them a better chance of gaining entrance to university and winning a scholarship.

Tigers loose in the city!

I am so glad that it is almost weekend! I’ve partied way too much!

Last week in Holland there was a national event called Carnival. Though it used to be a Catholic event, nowadays it’s mainly about getting drunk and party for four days. Although the entire population celebrates Carnival, parties are only organized in the south of Holland. Particularly in the provinces North-Brabant and Limburg, Carnival is a really big item.

The south being the only place where you can really celebrate this event, it is only a logical consequence that people from all over Holland travel to the south to have a good time. Trains with people from everywhere in the country arrive in the south and southern cities are crammed with way too many people.

The great thing about Carnival is that everyone has to get all dressed up. Everyone disguises themselves as another person, animal or object. Don’t be shocked if you see a pirate and Harry Potter walking hand in hand!

This year Carnival meant for me minimal sleep and way too much alcohol. Since I live in Utrecht, I can’t combine my holiday with this event anymore. I my old hometown, I used to have spring break whenever it was Carnival, but here in Utrecht school just goes on .. As a result, I spent my hangovers in class instead of my lovely bed!

My motivation for school was minimal last week.
After I attended my lessons (really, that’s all I was able to do), I took the train back to the south and put on my ugly dress in which I looked like a panther or just a vulgar girl. After meeting my friends in the bar, we ordered some beers and started dancing on the most horrible Dutch music you could think of .. Yhiihaa!

donderdag 11 februari 2010

Assignment 5

Lingua Services Galactic Ltd
69 Milk Street
February 9, 2010
Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd
Ms A. Phillips
Marketing Manager

Skagnes SK3 4RG

Dear Ms Phillips

With reference to your letter of February 1, I am writing to confirm the quotation of translation your new website. Unfortunately, our brochures and pricelists for 2010 aren’t ready yet.

If you could possibly tell me in which languages you need translation, I can give you the prices.

I have looked at your website. Did you already know that we also offer website editing services. This includes renewing the website, keeping the website up to date and a complete facelift.
If you are interested, please find enclosed a pricelist of those editing services.

Please contact us if there are any problems or if you have any questions. You can reach me at 0000000 or e-mail to reneemanders@lingua.com.

Yours sincerely

Listening Assignment B

1. What is remarkable about the comments and the bloggers of the Federal Reserve Bank?
You can anonymously leave comments or post a blog

2. The Federal Reserve Bank opened a blog to create “buzz”. What is meant by this, in other words, what was the purpose of opening a blog?
To motivate people to check the internet more often.

3. What was the female recruiting manager’s blog mainly about?
The challenges she faced as a full-time mom and full-time manager.

4. What was the purpose of her blog?
Recruiting people and show them that you can have a top function at work and be a supermom at the same time.

5. Which words show that the FED does exercise a form of control on the blogs?
Loosely regulated, but regulated.

6. By what kind of people were the very first FED blogs written?
By senior managers

7. Have the blogs changed the way that people who work for the FED think about
internal communications ?
Yes, the rating has improved

8. What is the latest development in the company as far as media are concerned?
Flat screen monitors which show the latest activity and news off the intranet. These TV’s are placed throughout the whole building

9. Catherine Cummings says that this medium to communicate with staff is better than an older medium. Which more old-fashioned way of communicating with staff does she mention?

10. What is the next big thing in social media at the FED?
Redesigning two intranets in Chicago

Parking's a Bitch!

After the first week of a new period at school I found myself busy, busy, busy! With already a lot of homework and a busily engaged social life, I don't know where to find the time to do anything else.

Sunday I thought I was clever by lending my boyfriend’s car for the week. I figured that with a faster transport, I’d spend less time travelling and more time relaxing. Unfortunately, I couldn’t be more wrong!
Utrecht isn’t made for cars! The center is almost unreachable, unless you’re by bus, bicycle or taxi. The roads in the centre are only allowable for those kinds of transport. And when you do finally reach a street where you’re allowed on, well.. That’s a whole other story!

Utrecht is a prime example of one-way streets. I was so happy I had a navigator with me! I would be totally lost in my own city, riding the walk of shame. But with a little help from the friendly lady who told me to go right over 500 meters (seriously, how long is that? I still can’t figure it out!), I made it to school in time. Next problem: parking space! When you finally find a spot, in a 10 minute walk distance of the university, you need to pay for that. And believe me, it isn’t cheap!

After two days already, I parted from this easy way of transport and handed in the car keys. Although I really love the drive .. I need to get forward!

donderdag 4 februari 2010

Listening Assignment A

- Views on internal marketing and communication
- Chat in the kitchen
- Presents to its staff
- Events
- Staff training room
- Embrace a new brand
- Company direction
- The ladyship
- Improved at a weekend retreat
- Fancy five star restaurant
- Fire them up
- Fire up
- Slides
- Animated smileys
- Coming in to the front door
- On commission
- Fully embrace
- Vision, culture and attitude
- Is committed to ensuring
- Maintained
- ..? thing

woensdag 3 februari 2010

Assignment 1

Assignment 1A -- Email

To: RobertSandman@musicfantastic.co
Subject: London visit

Dear Rob,

Do you remember me? I’m the student who you met in Birmingham two weeks ago. We talked about the study Music Entertainment which I follow at the University of Birmingham. You invited me to visit your company whenever I was in London.

I’m still very interested in your offer. I’m in London for the next ten days and I would like to visit Music Fantastic. Maybe we could also discuss the possibilities about an internship at your company.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,


Assignment 1B – Email

Subject: change of dress code

Dear colleagues,

It has caught our attention that the dress code of this company is getting more and more casual. Although we appreciate the informal culture and like the diversity of the outfits you wear, a few clients have issued complaints about this development. In order to keep our clients satisfied we need to establish a dress code that counts for all of us. That way we won’t only be pleasing our clients, we will also form a corporate identity. This is off course a charisma that every corporation needs.

The beautiful thing about this dress code, is that is hasn’t been determent yet. And that is where you come in! We would like hear your suggestions and ideas about this new dress code. In the next two weeks you can send in some rules you think should apply to the dress code. All of your ideas will be considered for the new way of clothing in this company.
Together we can establish the new uniformity of Princess Hall Theater!

For the next two weeks you can send in your suggestions by replying this email.

Kind Regards,

Assignment 1C – Memo

To: Management Performance Systematix
From: Communications Department
Date: 02/03/2019
Subject: Super Sports Day

A Super Sports Day for all Dutch and American employees and their families is good for the company for the following reasons
- Teambuilding
- Efficiently for working
- Loyalty to the management
- Support from families
- International contacts

By having a Super Sports Day all these points are put into practice. When we form teams with American as well Dutch employees, those nationalities will mix which will have a result in a better work environment. By inviting the wholes families, loyalty is created. Kids can play together and partners can get to know the company better. Also, employees will know more about each other’s personal life which is good for teambuilding.

By organizing a sports game, rivalry between employees will come to the surface. Colleagues will remember this rivalry and joke about this at work. The culture of the organization will be more informal, which will result in a increase in efficiencies.

Thank you

Time to introduce myself


My name is Renée Manders. I am a twenty year old student corporate communication at the school for communication and journalism in Utrecht.
For the next six weeks I will be posting blogs to keep you updated about my life as a communication student. Thinking about studying at my school? Read my blogs and find out what it means to be a communication student in the nicest city of Holland!

Next to my study, I am a member of the study union of my school. Within this union, I am active in a commission that is keeping itself busy with club activities. My commission is a select group of students who organize party’s for the students of our school, and off course for everyone else who feels the need to have a good time and party!

Our last party was a great success. A crammed cloakroom, a famous Dutch DJ.. It was totally sold out and people were outside waiting to get a chance to get in! Tomorrow is our second party, and I am really curious and a little bit nervous how the night is going to be like. The preparations are done and everything is settled. The only thing we still need are the party animals .. Let’s have a good time!

Love, Renée